Sarah Jerger

Data of the Domestic: Embroidered Data Art

Domestic space and domestic labor are often invisible to the outside world. During this artistic experiment, I explore how to make visible the labor and lives of mothers through embroidery and sleep data from wearable technology. At the intersection of data visualization and fiber art, vintage pillowcases become canvases for a community of women’s stories.

Some questions I continue to be curious about… How are modern-day gender roles and family dynamics represented by data or in the art world? What can simple data show us about mothers individually? Collectively? How can we better use social media for community-building and storytelling? How can “slow forms” of art and craft live alongside our fast-paced digitally-focused culture? How do we shape our roles and identities in relation to physical space or virtual space? How can data represent those relationships?

Sarah Jerger is a multidisciplinary artist, higher ed professional, and mother. She has a passion for making + craft and explores intertwining that with digital means of expression. Her work spans (for now) textile art, digital storytelling, mixed-media collage, video, and wearable electronics. Sarah currently directs the Emergent Media Center at Champlain College. She has undergraduate degrees in business, public relations + media communications, and multimedia + graphic design, and a Master’s degree in emergent media. She resides in the Burlington, VT area.


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